Opening Hour

Mon - Fri, 9:00 - 16:00

Contact Us

(021) 22535098 - Jakarta

(031) 5964668 - Surabaya

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Customer Information


1. Installment Payment is total debt installments paid by the debtors (hereinafter referred to as customer) each due during the credit period. Customer is prohibited to delay the payment with any reason. If the customer pays installment past due date, the customer must pay the fine and any additional cost occurred at the same time with the installment payment.

2. Installment payment can be paid by:

  • a. Virtual Account system by using: BCA Bank
  • b. Payment via ATM BCA
  • c. Payment via Bank Transfer
  • d. Payment via Indomaret
  • e. Giro

3. Due Date is date determined as the deadline for installment payments for each period specified in the financing contract.

4. Due Date is date determined as the deadline for instalment payments for each period specified in the financing contract.

  • • Make sure that the installment payment is done before or maximum on the due date which is in accordance with the one stated in the financing agreemen
  • • If the installment payment due date is in Saturday and Sunday or in the national holiday, then customer should pay the installment in 1 (one) working day before the days off mentioned before.
  • • The installment payment will be recorded after the effective amount of payment is received.
  • • Fee charged by bank is excluding from the SKBF responsibility.
  • • If the penalty occurred, then the penalty payment should be done in conjunction with the installment paymen

5. If customer want to pay the remaining debt according to agreed amount plus penalty which has to be paid by the customer calculate based on the remaining principal:

  • (i) 7% if the remaining tenor balance is less than 12 months
  • (ii) 5% if the remaining tenor balance is more than 12 months

  • This penalty fee is added with the current interest amount, overdue penalty, asset repossession cost, and other payable costs.

6. Collateral Retrieval (BPKB, Invoice, Receipts, etc.)

    Retrieval Timeline:
    • • Jakarta Office: Collateral retrieval is available H+2 (2 days after) from the last installment payment or accelerated repayment.
    • • Branch Offices in Surabaya, Marketing Points in Bandung, Semarang, Palembang, Balikpapan, and Makassar: Collateral retrieval is available H+7 (7 days after) from the last installment payment or accelerated repayment.

    Obligations for Debtors:
    • • Debtors must retrieve collateral or documents within 30 calendar days from the date of the last installment payment or when the entire debt has been settled, including early full repayment.
    • • If the debtor does not retrieve the collateral within this period, a storage fee of IDR 35,000 per day will be charged starting from the 31st day after the last installment payment or full debt settlement, including early full repayment.

    Requirements for Individual Debtor:
    • 1. Debtor’s Identity:
      • • Indonesian Citizens (WNI): Original, valid ID card (KTP).
      • • Foreign Citizens (WNA): Original, valid Passport and KITAS.
    • 2. Proof of last installment payment or settlement.

    Requirements for Individual Debtor with Authorized Representative:
    • 1. Debtor’s Identity:
      • • Indonesian Citizens (WNI): Original, valid ID card (KTP).
      • • Foreign Citizens (WNA): Original, valid Passport and KITAS.
    • 2. Authorized Representative’s Identity:
      • • Indonesian Citizens (WNI): Original, valid ID card (KTP).
      • • Foreign Citizens (WNA): Original, valid Passport and KITAS.
    • 3. Stamped Power of Attorney letter.
    • 4. Proof of last installment payment or settlement.

    Requirements for Corporate Entity (PT) by Managing Director:
    • 1. Debtor’s Identity:
      • • Indonesian Citizens (WNI): Original, valid ID card (KTP).
      • • Foreign Citizens (WNA): Original, valid Passport and KITAS.
    • 2. Copy of the latest/most recent Articles of Association + Ministry of Law and Human Rights Decree (indicating the Managing Director/authorizer is still in office).
    • 3. Copy of Business Identification Number (NIB).
    • 4. Company Stamp.
    • 5. Proof of last installment payment or settlement.

    Requirements for Corporate Entity (PT) with Authorized Representative:
    • 1. Debtor’s Identity:
      • • Indonesian Citizens (WNI): Original, valid ID card (KTP).
      • • Foreign Citizens (WNA): Original, valid Passport and KITAS.
    • 2. Authorized Representative’s Identity:
      • • Indonesian Citizens (WNI): Original, valid ID card (KTP).
      • • Foreign Citizens (WNA): Original, valid Passport and KITAS.
    • 3. Copy of the latest/most recent Articles of Association + Ministry of Law and Human Rights Decree (indicating the Managing Director/authorizer is still in office).
    • 4. Copy of Business Identification Number (NIB).
    • 5. Company Stamp.
    • 6. Proof of last installment payment or settlement.

7. Consumer can call the hotline below:

  • Hot-line: 021- 22535098
  • Every feedback will be handled by our representative maximum in 3 days
  • Email :
  • Working hour: Monday - Friday 08.30 - 17.30